DTEC problem

  • Alvari
    20th Mar 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    When i use DTEC, i have the ctype set to the thing, that i want it to detect, as soon as i put any kind of wire to the DTEC, it just starts to spark it, even if i have the ctype different, than the wire. Does anyone know why?

  • Darkwrist
    20th Mar 2022 Member 1 Permalink

    @Alvari (View Post)

    Make sure you aren't accidentally setting the DTEC's ctype while drawing that wire.

    One way to confirm that it's not the DTEC that's sparking the wire and it's something else is to hover your cursor over it (over DTEC) and monitor the .life property, it should read 0 and not 1 if DTEC's ctype element is not within its detection range.


    It it reads 1 then make sure you have its detection range set properly and not to some high numbers.


    Lastly, I would suggest making a save and linking it here so that me (or any other user) can see what's exactly happening.

    DTEC works fine for me so it must be something else.

  • Alvari
    20th Mar 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    I tried to change the ctype on the dtec to the correct one by not using the prop tool, with the thing that I wanted to have the dtec to detect. Thanks for the help!