Antimatter Powered Warp Drive Feedback

  • Denderth
    11th Jan 2022 Moderator 0 Permalink
    I'm looking for a bit of feedback pertaining to one of my relatively recent saves, which is, well, what the thread is called, really.
    Main reason is because I want to try and improve it if possible. I'll also link my antimatter reactor save, which I had utilised as a primary component in the warp drive.

  • EnganK
    12th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Making an antimatter reactor with indestructible elements (like PCLN and FILT) is too easy, so people don't find this reactor interesting enough.

    Also the engine - mostly CRAY (NEUT), wires and reactor, without interesting circuits and reactions. Since the basic part of engine is just CRAY, and antimatter is used only to create the SPRK, instead of an antimatter reactor, there could be, for example, a GLOW/PHOT reactor, and nothing would have changed.

    The design is good, but not good enough to put upvote just for it.

  • Denderth
    12th Jan 2022 Moderator 0 Permalink
    I suppose. The thing is that I'm hoping to create some more consecutive versions of it that will hopefully overcome those problems, which should hopefully utilise even less PCLN, because one of the issues is that the only elements I've found that can contain antimatter relatively safely have been, well, PCLN and some more obvious ones, so the main hurdle for me is to try to engineer something to replace that while being simultaneously destructible. The useless components of the engine were ones I was hoping to try and replace over time as I get a bit better at some of the more complex electronics.

    I'm planning to design a new reactor at some point which might be able to get around the PCLN issue by having some degree of limited fuel instead of outright producing the antimatter with PCLN, but the main reason I chose to go for designing it with antimatter in mind was because I wanted to try and come up with something a bit different. Plus, I kind of wanted to see what people thought of the idea, even if it ended up being a bit silly or, well, pointless in the end, though it's not really pointless because it will at least provide me with the necessary data I would need in order to improve upon it..

    I'll either pop the next design on the backburner for a while or just move onto something different.
    Edited once by Denderth. Last: 12th Jan 2022