People roasting me

  • rookienumbers
    30th Dec 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    I have played TPT for a while now, and 90 percent of my saves are now private because of haters, they aren`t hating me because of my saves being bad, its about `` oh look at this person............ l e t s  r o a s t  h i m  f o r  n o  r e a s o n`` type of thing. I hope moderation gets better and starts doing something about haters roasting every person they see in TPT, or i can just report them.

  • JozeffTech
    30th Dec 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    I have lots of haters on my saves (because I am a furry). But I developed an ultimate strategy to deal with them: first, I never hate back - all my responses are always cold and calm, second, I don't pay attention to downvotes - they're just numbers, third, if they swear, or steal my saves to add bombs to them, or make furry-offensive saves - I report them, fourth, I try to never break the rules, and fifth, although it may be controversial, I always propagate peace and encourage any will to come to a peaceful solution.

  • ae
    31st Dec 2021 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • Sylvi
    31st Dec 2021 Moderator 4 Permalink
    You could report them. We do not and cannot moderate every single save and their comments areas. Reports are out primary source of information and awareness for situations.
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 31st Dec 2021
  • NF
    31st Dec 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    @rookienumbers (View Post)

     I have looked at your public saves, you have potential, people will judge your saves. Ignore the people telling you "What happened to you leaving."

  • rookienumbers
    21st Feb 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    nice advice everyone, and also i remember ae15 from one of my saves

  • CLMilitary
    12th Sep 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Woah, people supported me back then???