Is it possible to convert C++ elements?

  • AceOfSpades1221
    28th Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I ran out of title space here, but what I'm essentially asking is if you can convert C elements to Lua elements if you know what parameters to alter.

    Since current TPT is much easier to utilize Lua elements with than C elements, I was just thinking of taking some of my favorite elements from a long-dead mod, and converting them to luas.

    Probably easier said than done, but I can only wait and see.

    **Title is a bit off. I meant C, not CPP. (I know that C can operate under CPP, but the CPP elements are a lot more organized and neat.)

    Edited once by AceOfSpades1221. Last: 28th Oct 2021
  • jacob1
    29th Oct 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    It all comes down to programming knowledge and knowledge of the TPT API. In some cases it also depends on whether all the necessary Lua APIs exist, some advanced elements can't be replicated.

    You could also try recreating them in c++ in the latest version of TPT, depends on whether you prefer Lua or c++