Did I found a bug in Powder Toy?

  • txurio_oguiza
    24th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Guys, I was playing the game, mixing chemicals randomly and I found out that suddenly a strange white matter named B12345678/S012345678/17(??) began growing up until it fullfilled the whole game screen. I don't know if it is a bug, because this strange composition isn't in the game menu catalog. Anyways I will show bellow the process so you can check it up yourselves and figure out if the same happens in your computer:


    1. Make a Diamond container

    2. Put Exot in its bottom

    3. Add Mystery above it and let the composition heat up a little bit

    4. Add Plutonium above both and wait for the reaction


    After it all the B12 whatever expands until it fulfill the whole game screen. I've checked out the inverse process, puting Plutonium first, second Exot and then Mystery but it don't work. I think that the heating of Mystery on Exot sparks some odd reaction when the Plutonium touches the bottom of Diamond and release the Neutrons required to explode Exot. Give me a feedback guys, if it is or not a strange bug or some reaction I don't know how to name. See you later :-)

    Edited once by txurio_oguiza. Last: 24th Sep 2021
  • jacob1
    24th Sep 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    Thanks, seems this is related to the recent custom GoL changaes in 96.0. It happens when EXOT changes into a nearby element due to NEUT exposure. Instead of properly changing into the GoL element, it's doing this.
    24th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    this happens for me too, but i have to add the GOL directly

  • Greiscale
    1st Oct 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah not really a glich and B12345678/S012345678/17 is thankfully just a GOL type.