Which of these you hate the most

  • mememan97
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    1. Furry or Furry haters.
    2. Bagels.
    3. Annoying loud noises
    4. The DUST that the STKM makes.
    5. your mom. (in which her name is candice)
    6. Jeff bezos or the economy
    7. America
    8. I HATE EVERYTHING! (all of the above)
    9. Other. (State in reply)
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink


  • Denderth
    7th Sep 2021 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Loud noises
    Edited once by Denderth. Last: 7th Sep 2021
  • Linkram
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I do not strongly hate any of these, but the economy is not doing as well as before a certain pandemic caused the economy to stop. Plus I have satellite internet right now, but Elon musk's faster starlink internet is coming. But Jeff Bezos  wants to stop the starlink internet :/ so, 6 and 9 (I also hate having satellite internet that goes at 8 mbps) Edit: this may be kind of political, so this may violate the rules.

    Edited once by lincolnram. Last: 7th Sep 2021
  • mememan97
    7th Sep 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @lincolnram (View Post)

     If this gets locked or your comment deleted, I will not be surprised.
    Edit: also 69 nice
    Edit 2: lol, jacob1 chose 9 

    Edited 2 times by mememan97. Last: 8th Sep 2021
Locked by jacob1: 9. Other - this thread