The specific issue is that this code (code for e+, the positron) is deleting stuff it shouldn't be deleting when it comes in contact with ELEC:
static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS); |
static int graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS); |
static void create(ELEMENT_CREATE_FUNC_ARGS); |
void Element::Element_EPLUS() |
{ |
Identifier = "DEFAULT_PT_EPLUS"; |
Name = "e+"; |
Colour = PIXPACK(0xDFEFFF); |
MenuVisible = 1; |
MenuSection = SC_NUCLEAR; |
Enabled = 1; |
Advection = 0.0f; |
AirDrag = 0.00f * CFDS; |
AirLoss = 1.00f; |
Loss = 1.00f; |
Collision = -0.99f; |
Gravity = 0.0f; |
Diffusion = 0.00f; |
HotAir = 0.000f * CFDS; |
Falldown = 0; |
Flammable = 0; |
Explosive = 0; |
Meltable = 0; |
Hardness = 0; |
Weight = -1; |
DefaultProperties.temp = R_TEMP + 200.0f + 273.15f; |
HeatConduct = 251; |
Description = "Positrons. React violently with electrons"; |
LowPressure = IPL; |
LowPressureTransition = NT; |
HighPressure = IPH; |
HighPressureTransition = NT; |
LowTemperature = ITL; |
LowTemperatureTransition = NT; |
HighTemperature = ITH; |
HighTemperatureTransition = NT; |
Update = &update; |
Graphics = &graphics; |
Create = &create; |
} |
static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS) |
{ |
int r, rt, rx, ry, nb, rrx, rry; |
for (rx=-2; rx<=2; rx++) |
for (ry=-2; ry<=2; ry++) |
r = pmap[y+ry][x+rx]; |
if (!r) |
r = sim->photons[y+ry][x+rx]; |
if (!r) |
continue; |
rt = TYP(r); |
switch (rt) |
{ |
case PT_ELEC: |
if (rt!=PT_AMTR && rt!=PT_DMND && rt!=PT_CLNE && rt!=PT_PCLN && rt!=PT_VOID && rt!=PT_BHOL && rt!=PT_NBHL && rt!=PT_PRTI && rt!=PT_PRTO) |
{ |
int r, rx, ry, rt; |
for (rx=-1; rx<2; rx++) |
for (ry=-1; ry<2; ry++) |
if (BOUNDS_CHECK && (rx || ry)) |
{ |
r = pmap[y+ry][x+rx]; |
if (!r) |
continue; |
rt = TYP(r); |
parts[i].life++; |
if (parts[i].life==4) |
{ |
sim->kill_part(i); |
return 1; |
} |
sim->create_part(ID(r), x+rx, y+ry, PT_PHOT); |
sim->kill_part(ID(r)); |
sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 10.0f; |
} |
} |
break; |
case PT_EXOT: |
parts[ID(r)].tmp2 += 5; |
parts[ID(r)].life = 1000; |
break; |
default: |
parts[ID(r)].temp +=50; |
parts[i].temp += 50; |
break; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
static int graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS) |
{ |
*firea = 70; |
*firer = *colr; |
*fireg = *colg; |
*fireb = *colb; |
*pixel_mode |= FIRE_ADD; |
return 0; |
} |
static void create(ELEMENT_CREATE_FUNC_ARGS) |
{ |
float a = RNG::Ref().between(0, 359) * 3.14159f / 180.0f; |
sim->parts[i].life = 680; |
sim->parts[i].vx = 2.0f * cosf(a); |
sim->parts[i].vy = 2.0f * sinf(a); |
#include "simulation/ElementCommon.h" |
The code works how I want it to, except when e+ annihilates with ELEC, it will destroy stuff surrounding it as well, despite the checks I added. The code in a more readable format is at
Apologies if I made any dumb mistakes. I do hope to eventually help with development of TPT, but that is evidentally very far off.
(Also, ignore the issue I posted that AMTR may live forever. I think I fixed that.)