New Element - DIRT & MUD

  • Marki
    11th Aug 2021 Member 3 Permalink


    For ages GOO has been a substitute for dirt in a lot of saves that do real world stuff. DIRT would be a powder which would be a brownish color,also if a few pixels of PLNT were to be placed,it'd start spreading on dirt. I personally think it'd make saves that want to make the real world much more realistic. It'd also allow for better looking saves.


    (Optional element) 

    MUD: Mud would be a liquid that is created by pouring regular water onto dirt (salt water or distilled water wouldn't work). MUD would after a while start slowly evaporating the water that is in it. MUD would also sink below dirt.


    I'm open to any changes about this element I am proposing.

    Edited 2 times by Marki2019. Last: 13th Aug 2021
  • erictom333
    13th Aug 2021 Member 3 Permalink

    Support for DIRT. Hesitant about MUD as I'd like to have dirt and water next to each other without mixing.

  • ratio1
    13th Aug 2021 Member 1 Permalink


    Support for DIRT. Hesitant about MUD as I'd like to have dirt and water next to each other without mixing.



  • Marki
    13th Aug 2021 Member 2 Permalink

    @erictom333 (View Post)

     i was hesitant about MUD too but i decided to put it in to see if anyone likes it. 

  • Denderth
    14th Aug 2021 Moderator 2 Permalink
    I like the idea of both elements, to be honest. I feel that perhaps DIRT should have certain conditions to ensure it turns into MUD in a controlled manner so as to not irritate anyone who wants dirt and water next to each other without mixing. I propose that perhaps it requires the two elements to be mixed with the mixing tool or exposed to a certain amount of pressure.

    Of course, the former sounds a tad ridiculous, but alternatively, perhaps SLCN (Silicon, can't remember if I got that right) could be mixed into the dirt as a preventative measure. I mean, for example, in real life, if I remember correctly, we have packets of silica, which if I remember correctly (My memory's kind of like weird swiss cheese at the moment), which are silicon based in some way but essentially act like a desiccant, removing moisture from things. Hypothetically in this scenario, you could mix silicon in with the dirt to alter, say, a TMP value, allowing the DIRT to be next to water without mixing in any way, perhaps.
    16th Aug 2021 Member 1 Permalink

     multiple people have suggested DIRT and MUD before and I think if it hasn't been added yet it wont ever be added

    but i still like the idea

    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 16th Aug 2021