Virus-curing console command.

  • BluBubblz
    29th Jul 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    The console command "!reset sparks" turns all elements of SPRK into their ctype (the element that is sparked).


    Similarly, a command that cures, or resets, all virus types (VIRS, VRSS, VRSG) would definitely be better than spamming Soap everywhere and hoping it works. 

  • jacob1
    29th Jul 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    Hmm, I don't have much interest in adding to the !reset command. If the tpt api is "legacy", that api is ancient. Hasn't been touched in 8 years or so.

    It would be possible to write a Lua script to iterate over and change all VIRS, then you could just type that into the console.