another meme

  • Jey731
    8th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

  • CCl2F2
    8th May 2021 Moderator 0 Permalink

    bUt jAcOb1 sAiD tHaT mEmEs ArE iLlEgAl!!!!!1111!

    But yes, that's true 

  • ratio1
    8th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Whh we not have powdered CRMC? Oh wait, we have celestial clay dust.


    Also, EQVE is almost indestructible

  • NF
    8th May 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    This is spam. Edit: I should clarify, you have two meme forum threads, regarding the same meme. If not look alikes, plus stick to one thread. Not sure if this back seat moderating, which it probably is, but just lock my post if it is. 

    Edited 2 times by NF. Last: 8th May 2021
Locked by jacob1: not constructive