Functionality idea for Silicon (SLCN)

  • _Veloso_
    20th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    On the recent TPT snapshots, the SLCN was added. I felt like it was so exciting but at the same time lacked something. So here it is.
    When sparked, SLCN would activate powered materials (such as SWCH, PUMP, LCRY, PPIP, etc), but they would be activated only while SLCN is being sparked, because as soon as SLCN is not being sparked anymore, the powered element would deactivate . This would not only make sense, since PSCN and NSCN interact with powered materials AND have a big relation with Silicon, but also would be a very useful and interesting adding to the game, and would be basically a revolution to TPT electronics.

    PS: I know that this exist in mods, but at least to me, it is a feature that feels like it would fit perfectly in the vanilla game.

    Edited 2 times by guihermeveloso278. Last: 20th Apr 2021
  • CCl2F2
    20th Apr 2021 Moderator 1 Permalink

    That would be kinda...   Ah...
    SLCN is powder and it would be hard to make some circuit with it
    You would need something like INSL casing for it

    Overall, good idea, but I think some solid would work better than powder

  • _Veloso_
    20th Apr 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @IlikeUssr (View Post)

     Indeed. Maybe SSLC (Solidified Silicon)? It could be made by melting SLCN,aplying pressure to it, and then cooling it down? I don't know. It would act just like SLCN, and even have the same shiny effect, but it would be solid. 
    Good point tho.

  • CCl2F2
    21st Apr 2021 Moderator 2 Permalink

    SSLC sounds ok