My suggested elements

  • DanielsRevenge
    15th Mar 2021 Member 1 Permalink


    COLOR - VARIABLE (works like FILT with the temperature or ctype)

    USE - Blocks photons that are not its color

    USES - For example, multiple PHOT streams could function which could really improve WIFI-free transmission systems. It would also be useful for making laser-proof bunkers. A good idea would be to make it potentially explode or break if exposed to the wrong wavelength for too long.


    COLOR - Dark gray

    USE - Reflects particles much like how DMND reflects photons, but reduces speed by say 20%

    USES - One use would be for guns which cannot be pointed other ways.

  • JozeffTech
    15th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Lens function is already implemented in FILT.

  • _Theo
    16th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    One use would be for guns which cannot be pointed other ways.
    how is this useful for guns