Electronic circuits not working!

  • PatrickTalksALot
    11th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    I am pretty new to tpt electronics and desided that for my first project, I was going to make an ALU. I have already made these using redstone in Minecraft, and I thought it wouldn't be too complicated in tpt. I ended up making what I think is the most compact XOR Gate in all of tpt!


    Now this is a pretty simple circut, but when I copy it cell for cell in a different area of the map, it is a 50% chance that it will atually work. It either works perfectly all the time, or doesn't work at all. I also copied someone elses AND Gate design cell for cell and had the same problem. It worked perfectly in their world, but never worked in my world. This problem has been cropping up all over the place as I work on this ALU. I will make some complicated circut, copy it over, and then it won't work. Its like tpt is just changing electronic rules all over the place, and if I build it in one area, things work differently. I don't get it. Is there something I am doing wrong, or something I need to know about electronics? I would appriciate any help I could get!






    Edited once by PatrickTalksALot. Last: 11th Mar 2021
  • KyYay
    12th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    i cant help much if i dont know what it looks like, but it may have something to do with particle updating order/priority (the number prefixed by # if you hover over a particle in debug mode (D))

  • PatrickTalksALot
    12th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @KyYay (View Post)

     I think thats it! I have never heard of that, so I don't know how it works, but I am gussing its basically the order you place it in? How can this affect the circut? How does it work? Thanks for all your help!

  • KyYay
    12th Mar 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    well, again, i dont know how your circuit works because i can't find it on your profile and you haven't posted an image of it, but to answer your questions, yes, you can basically think of it as the order you place it in, and it can affect things in various ways. particle #1 updates before particle #2, which updates before particle #3, and so on; a weird thing about the game is that it redoes the particle order when you save a level, so that it starts with #0 at the top left and the last particle at the bottom right, in a sort of "scanlines" way where it does the top horizontal line left to right, then moves down a horizontal line and repeats. as far as i'm aware it shouldn't affect any normal conductors as the game compensates for this when updating sparks, but moving stuff like powders and liquids can be affected by this, and i think there are a few edge cases with stuff like aray that can cause a different result than expected. then again, you DID say it was a pretty simple circuit, so it might not even be this at all; there ARE a few world-specific options but none of them should affect sparks. to be honest, i cant really help further without seeing how it works as i dont do many circuit-y stuff, sorry

    edit: if the circuit depends on both inputs being triggered at the same time, it might also just be that you're messing up the timing when testing it out? but i dont have any ideas beyond that

    Edited once by KyYay. Last: 12th Mar 2021
  • PatrickTalksALot
    12th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @KyYay (View Post)

     I have been doing some reasurch into subframe electronics, and I think I understand the id value now, but I still don't know how it affects my circute in particular. I think I am going to post a save on my profile (first one) so you can check it out. But basically, from now on, I will test all my circuts by ordering them correctly and then if I rebuild one, resaving and loading to reordere it. Over all, not a lot of fun, but I guess that is what I need to do. Thanks for all your help!

  • KyYay
    12th Mar 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    ah, i believe swch is one of the elements that are affected by particle order. if you've ever seen swch behave weirdly when sparked (like the spark travelling instantly to the end of the swch) that's because for some weird reason swch doesn't account for update order. that in particular shouldn't really affect this because there's only one swch, but the particle order CAN affect it because, if i recall correctly, the swch itself checks whether it should be active or not based on what the sprk it's surrounded by is; the pscn/nscn itself doesn't toggle swch. and after testing it, i believe that's why this doesn't always work, as i rotated the gate so that the output faces right and then saved it to a private save to refresh the order, and it doesn't work correctly

  • PatrickTalksALot
    12th Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @KyYay (View Post)

     Ahhhhh ok! That makes a lot more sense now! I was wondering if that was what was going on! Thanks for the help!