Debug menu

  • JustAPlayer
    3rd Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    a whole debug menu that would open when typing "debug()" or something like that in the console. it would open in a window and it'll have buttons to enable things like displaying particle collision detection stuff, displaying all errors that occur and writing them to a log file or displaying all floating point numbers encountered. i don't think it would be too useful to normal people but to subframe tech makers, developers and other experienced users it would be pretty useful.

    edit: crap i posted this in the creations forum, i meant to post this in the feedback forum Moved. -- @LBPHacker
    Edited 2 times by JustAPlayer, LBPHacker. Last: 3rd Mar 2021
  • jacob1
    3rd Mar 2021 Developer 0 Permalink
    TPT isn't a 3D game, so particle collision information wouldn't be useful. Every particle is always colliding with nearby particles, and there are no hitboxes.

    Errors don't occur in TPT, unless it crashes. Then you'll get a TPT Bluescreen. If a Lua error happens, it's already printed to the screen.

    Not sure what you mean by floating point numbers, TPT uses floats all over the code, there's hundreds of thousands a frame.

    So, a debug menu like this would work better in 3D games using an engine, but doesn't apply to TPT.
  • KyYay
    3rd Mar 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    the extended hud that appears when you press d is already called debug mode, lmao, having two debug things could get confusing

    Edited once by KyYay. Last: 3rd Mar 2021