Wiki revisions

  • TiredTech
    25th Dec 2020 Member 2 Permalink

        The TPT Wiki is a sight for sore eyes. If I could get permission I would make sure there's actually some kind of information you can learn. I would work for weeks to make sure each element has everything that you could want. I want an interactable demonstration of the workings of filt or at least a link to something like that. I want to have more than the elements and walls but also even the inner working of TPT simulation. Subframe was discovered because a couple people were looking through source code. Why not bring the basics out of the source code and put it in the Wiki for all to see. What brilliant ideas would emerge if more people could look at this information that was previously just too hard to find. This might honestly just be an application for hard labor. If the Wiki is better, maybe players will get better too. I want this game to thrive, because it is possibly the most enjoyable thing I've ever played. I'm saying that despite having played so many games I've lost count. If I were to choose a game from all the games I've ever played, TPT, Rocket League, Smite, Poly Bridge 1&2, Portal, Puzzles and Dragons, and more, I would choose The Powder Toy. It is the greatest creative outlit that I have. I always have something I want to make, something I want to learn, TPT is the greatest place to let that creativity flow.
        TPT Wiki needs to change. It is outdated to the extreme, lacking in details and ways to use each element. An example would be the filt page. Even though it is now one of the more usefull elements for modern electronics, it doesn't even have much on its extensive abilities and, more importantly, its synergies with elements like cray, dtec, and ldtc. Is there a way for me to improve the Wiki? How can I help?

  • Cracker1000
    25th Dec 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    @TiredTech (View Post)

    Wiki is already open to users for modification. Once you are logged in on the website, you will see an edit option in the wiki.

    That's how users add missing or newer information to the wiki.


    Although i agree with your opinion that more tutorials on elements and features would be a nice thing, wiki already has enough of them to get started.

    There are also very nice tutorial saves made by the community which you could check out if you find something is missing on the website.


    For instance, the subframe tutorial series or serialisation tutorial


    Anyway, the whole point is that it's the lack of enough users who are willing to update the wiki rather than not having enough permissions to add information on wiki.

  • TiredTech
    26th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you for your informative reply. I didn't know I already had the ability to make modifications. I guess I'll start up right away to make it more informative. The only thing I would recommend now is a dedicated Wiki button the game. Instead of bringing up the TPT website you could press the button and it would bring up a new tab. It would allow players to more easily get to the information. I bet some players don't even know there is a Wiki. When I first downloaded it, I was unaware that a forum and wiki laid just a couple clicks away. Usually a download is it's own seperate thing. It usually appears as a link in the main website that leads to some place like SourceForge. Often, you'll have to look through pretty much the entire website to get to the download. Because of TPT's different layout I was made to believe that what I saw in getting that download was all I would get from that website. Instead of more Wiki content, we might just need to introduce them to the real community.

  • Sylvi
    26th Dec 2020 Moderator 1 Permalink
    @TiredTech (View Post)
    The reason we haven't is because it takes a lot of specialized parsing. Most of which means very specific coding that could potentially break. We could perhaps add a dedicated link to pull up the browser.

    Every user has modification permission. However, we do closely monitor the changes. They are announced by a bot to our channel #powder for each change made.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 20th Sep 2022
  • Qu4draconst
    19th Jan 2021 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed: offtopic