5 New Combustables and Explosives

  • erictom333
    6th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I am proposing five new elements that are explosive or used in the synthesis of explosives. Two of these, GCTN and GLGN, will solve the problem of underpowered explosives.


    Menu: Solids

    Description: "Cloth. Burns quickly and reliably. Allows water to pass through."

    Color: Light tan

    Properties: Solid.

    Flammable - burns as fast as PLNT, but more reliably. Able to ignite explosives in a closed space.

    Absorbs water similarly to SPNG and GEL, but can only retain 1 pixel per pixel before spilling it out.


    Menu: Liquids (or Explosives?)

    Description: "Nitric acid. Moderate acid. Used to synthesise explosives."

    Color: Light green

    Properties: Liquid. Flammable.

    Dissolves some materials like ACID, but not stronger metals.

    Synthesis: SLTP + ACID + heat (>120°C)





    Menu: Explosives

    Description: "Saltpeter, powerful oxidiser. Ingredient in gunpowder."

    Color: Greenish-bluish white

    Properites: Powder.

    Oxidiser - At temperatures above 400°C, causes flammable materials to ignite, regardless of whether an empty space is available.


    SLTP + ACID + heat (>120°C) = NACD



    Menu: Explosives

    Description: "Guncotton, moderately powerful explosive."

    Color: Yellow.

    Properties: Solid. Explosive similar to C4, but produces enough pressure to propel BRMT a significant distance or break GLAS or BMTL.

    Synthesis: NACD + CLTH

    Reactions: GCTN + NITR = GLGN


    Menu: Explosives

    Description: "Gelignite, powerful explosive."

    Color: Dark pinkish red.

    Properties: Solid. Explosive similar to C4, but even more powerful than GCTN.

    Synthesis: GCTN + NITR

  • MachineMan
    6th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    It would be easier to make ACID and/or SOAP become NITR upon contact with each other than to make a new element.  This reaction was already suggested by someone else and I'm not trying to hijack this thread.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 7th Dec 2020
  • BluBubblz
    6th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Powder Toy really needs some powerfully explosive elements  :|

  • erictom333
    7th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @MachineMan (View Post)

    Only problem with that is that the produced NITR would explode on contact with ACID.

  • CCl2F2
    7th Dec 2020 Moderator 0 Permalink

    SOAP + ACID makes NITR (or OIL, idk) in alchemy mod

  • MachineMan
    7th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @erictom333 (View Post)

     Not if the ACID absorbs the SOAP and becomes the resulting NITR, or if they both become the resulting NITR.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 7th Dec 2020