Magnetism Concept

  • phox
    20th Nov 2020 Member 7 Permalink

    so a few months ago there was a thread on magnetism and I saw jacob1's response: 

    "If someone can figure out how to make this work in a pixel-based game like TPT, it would be pretty cool. I'm not sure how doable it is though. How do you detect which particles form a "magnet", then calculate the poles and magnetism lines throughout the sim? But if we had this, it would be really cool.

    This is what is definitely rejected:
    "just use the existing gravity code with conditional statements so it only affects "magnetic" elements""

    Here's how I could see magnetism being implemented:

    First we would need variables to control aspects of our field, we would need to understand how a field would work in a 2d sim and how to declare the direction of the field, as not everyone uses vertical gravity. This concept doesn't take into account permanent magnets because there really isn't a way to determine where poles would in a 2D space, unless you had the poles generate similar to how pipe generates.

    This magnetism concept is based on magnetic confinement and electromagnetism, I think this would be the first step to introducing magnetism as it fits TPTs aesthetic and functionality, and mimics real life magnetism except the current(sprk) directs magnetic field direction in a parallel fashion, instead of perpinducularlly like real life, this concept could actually be fit to work with a perpendicular field, I just used parrallel fields for simplicity. 


    Magnetic fields, first would operate by way of lines as a guide for magnetic and ionized elements that would be affected by magnetism. There really is no way for direction of an element to be determine for magnetic field lines to be established, so magnetic elements would have to be directed by current, and in the way VIBR absorbs energy and releases it, magnetic elements could take spark to increase field strength and quickly reduce strength once spark has stopped. Distance could be determined by TMP or TMP2, or it could depend on field strength and location of other magnets if there are any nearby.

    Spark may also determine field direction and field location, this would mean the magnetic element wouldn't be sparkable. Here's an example:

    In TPT it would look like this:



    Spark flows against a magnet (QRTZ) and opposite of the spark and next to the magnet, a weak magnetic field is created (EXOT) that will follow the spark until it's no longer against a magnet.
    This allows for things like coils to work like they would in real life, and would allow complex fields that could be determined by the shape of the magnet and it's conductor, allowing things like Tokamaks to finally be possible.



    Fields may be affected by other magnets if the other magnets field strength is within it's grid square, if the magnets' fields are parellel then the field location can be the median location of the two magnets.

    Particles that are affected by magnetism would attempt to stay on the field line, with the strength of the attempt being determined by field strength, with maximum strength causing the affected particles to be nearly untouched by pressure and gravity.
    Things that would be affected by magnetism would be gasses over 2000C, Plasma at any temperature,


    (would be the only way to actually contain AMTR without DMND)

    Magnetic fields could also induce some reactions:


    If a fusable element with a high temperature is within a magnetic field and the strength of the field is high, fusion could occur independent of high or low pressure, or if the magnet is a low enough temperature, it could reach max strength easier.

    If a magnetic field is running through a solid metal like IRON, the solid could heat up and absorb the field strength.

    If energy particles are near a magnetic field, they would be significantly more influenced by them as if the field was at max strength, they could also be preserved by the field and not disappear over time.

    INST could cause huge bursts in magnetic field strength. NSCN could reduce field strength and convert it into spark if it lays within a magnetic field line.

    NBLE could instantly ionize in the presence of a magnetic field line.

    As an example of magnetic refrigeration, when fields die or if the field is cancelled by an field with a reversed direction, if the field contained any magnetic particles they could rapidly cool.


    Magnetic Field Dynamics


    Magnetic fields could interact with eachother and particles in new ways, mentioned earlier magnetic fields could contain particles within their lines while resisting pressure and gravity and other particles, if particles had enough force acted upon them while within a magnetic field, the magnet could conduct current to NSCN or INWR to simulate magnetic flux and Faraday's law. This reaction alone would allow for complex machines that don't depend on detectors or electronic elements, only magnetism. 

    Field direction and strength would be the basis for interactions between fields, because all fields are directed by a travelling current that is adjacent to the magnet, a field location can be determined and a field direction can also be determined. 


    Speed of travelling lines is entirely dependent on SPRK speed, so PTNM, GOLD would create a fast field, INWR could optionally create a strong field, INST would make a static field with no movement, and so on.


    Because fields would act somewhat as travelling waves, we can use wave dynamics:
    Constructive interfence is when two fields have the same direction, so their strength combines. 
    Destructive interference is when two fields have opposing directions, and so their both their strengths detract from eachother.



    Edited 7 times by phox. Last: 15th Dec 2020
  • _Theo
    20th Nov 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    oo this actually kinda makes sense

    20th Nov 2020 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • MachineMan
    21st Nov 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    Intriguing 1+

  • ratio1
    21st Nov 2020 Member 2 Permalink

    Yeah, here it is! Fusion reactors! +


  • ratio1
    12th Dec 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    Cool idea and no reply from dev's. And I suggest to add new display: magnetic


  • budkam
    14th Dec 2020 Member 1 Permalink

    I really enjoyed this idea, I hope the devs can make it work

  • Michael238
    15th Dec 2020 Member 2 Permalink

    Perhaps also add AMTR to the list of elements affected, so we can actually make magnetic antimatter containment systems?

  • Qu4draconst
    30th Mar 2021 Member 1 Permalink

    Have the element be a conductor.