most people just make rechargeable batteries with metal, the sparks flow in a loop and later on released
my battery is UNIQUE it used fluids to store power rather looping sparks and it is also rechargeable and not is those isotope-z batteries that run for a while and you recharge them, just like LEAD-ACID it works by converting a charged fluid to uncharged one and vice versa (yes mixture is in the same container, it's not a fluid mover)
(in other works a battery that works by converting fluids)
There were batteries where spark was stored in fluid. Recently I was playing TPTMP with Tirranium, and he made one. It's not that hard.
I made PSTN battery and I can technically say that I made first in entire TPT, id:2608191
I dunno.
i checked the save it works with piston not with fluids
I see what save you are talking about? can I have the actual save? is it owned by Tirranium ?
I have tested my battery for capacity, it took 5000 sparks (measured) to reach level 100% .the meter showed it stored 4711 (4740 later on) sparks meaning the storing efficiency of this battery is 94.8% (and 5.2% loss in sparks) the battery was charged with 5000 sparks (almost fully charged)
I dont say that you stolen battery, ill Just want to say that many liquid batteries exist, especially filled with gel. But your save is like... ...rather interesting for me. First no cray/clne liquid battery i have ever seen (i think), +1 for that. Unfortunately, its kinda big and chonky.
I dont say that you stolen battery, ill Just want to say that many liquid batteries exist, especially filled with gel. But your save is like... ...rather interesting for me. First no cray/clne liquid battery i have ever seen (i think), +1 for that. Unfortunately, its kinda big and chonky.
I would really appreciate it if you show me some saves with these batteries I would like to checkthem
Oh, i have one GEL-based battery. I made it quite a while ago, it uses GEL to store water, SPNG to extract the water from GEL and some more electronics to make it into a battery, and not a simple water storage.
I wouldnt say that you are the first one to make a "chemical" battery tho, i think some people did it like years ago