this might not be a game idea

  • yoyo100
    19th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    so for the property tool, if i select temprature, then type in 22 degrees, (yes i want to bring stuff back to room temprature), it doesent set it at 22, instead it sets it at -251 degress????  but if i type in 300 in the property tool for temp, it sets the objects temprature to 26 degrees. how is 22, -251, and 300, 26???  are any of you having this problem. or am i not using the tool corrrectly, is something bugged? but i do remember typing in 22 and getting the objects temp to 22. so idk whats going on.

  • coryman
    19th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Its because temperatures are done in Kelvin, not Celcius. 0 Kelvin is -273.15 degrees Celcius iirc, so you have to add 273 to any temperature you want. Or, the easier option: instead of typing 22 for the temperature, put 22C, which will automatically convert to Celcius :)

  • yoyo100
    19th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    oh, i always thought temprature was done in celciuios, thanks ;)

  • BluBubblz
    26th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    The thing is, sometimes elements like WIFI drop their temperature by .15, C° or K°, either one. Like if you set the temperature of WIFI to 500C°, it will sometimes drop to 499.85. I suspect that this is because someone wrote 273 instead of 273.15 when writing the code for TPT.

  • jacob1
    26th Sep 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @BlueBlood (View Post)
    That isn't true. It's actually related to the save code. We save temperatures as an offset from 0K in some cases. So this causes it to end up as 499.85, because it was saved as 773, and 0K + 773K = 499.85C.

    For objects around room temperature, we do have a special case to make temperatures more precise, which allows you to save integer values in Celsius correctly. 500C is way outside this range, which is why it is loaded as an offset from 0C.

    For setting wifi temperatures, you should set it to something within the range, even 501C is fine. That way it will load properly.