Is there a way to filt like this?

  • micro
    7th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I am building a computer in powder toy (ID:2581457). And one of the things I want to add to it or a future computer is a "eye". By shooting a laser pulse it would reflect off something then enter the lens. The lens works and focuses the phot from different angles and can even be used to tell what direction its comeing from but the problem is the white phot gos rainbow when it hits the glass leading to refraction efects witch would mess up the sensor. so I put some filt in front of it to keep it 1 color. But because the temp efects the color and glas gets heat from phot it is not much better. I want the filt on the front to color the phot blue. Is there a way I can tell the filt to color photons but ignores its temp? Note; in the save linked the "eye" is set up with a testing laser. if you need it

    Edited 2 times by micro. Last: 7th Sep 2020
  • LBPHacker
    7th Sep 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    FILT's "colour" only depends on its temperature if its .ctype is 0, so just choose a value for .ctype other than 0 and set it with the PROP tool. You said you wanted blue; there are many .ctypes that produce blue, the simplest being just 1.
  • micro
    7th Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink
