When I was reading comments under my ET001PRWLTT Power Plant save, I came across some people that had trouble with using it. So i wrote this to prevent that kind siuations.
Note: It's all about this save: 2573910
Or if you want link to it: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Browse/View.html?ID=2573910
Ok here's actual manual:
1. "UI" Overviev
In top left corner you have control panel. Use it to control Your power plant. Here they're all explained:
1. Tank 1/Tank 2. Tank 1 and Tank 2 are these tanks right below actual power plant. Tank 1 button is connected to PPIP going from Tank 1. Tank 2 button is connected to PPIP going from Tank 2. And who would have expected? Anyways, You can spark button once to Activate/Disable Powered Pipes. Red/Green controls shows which tank is tank output is active.
Note: If you turn Deco Mode OFF, You can see two vertical INST "stripes" around Tank 1/Tank 2 controls. If You spark left one, Tank 1 will enable it's output, while Tank 2 waits 76 ticks and activates. This was mainly used by me while testing power plant abilities, since fuel from both tanks will go in combustion chamber at the same time. Right one shuts down/enables both tanks in the same time.
2. Fuel ignition button, as it's name points out, is used to ignite any fuel that can be ignited with SPRK, for example OIL, DESL, NITR, GUN, C4, FUSE and FSEP, SAWD (not all fuels included). If turned OFF, it stops sparking that PSCN pixels inside combustion chamber.
3. LOXY tanks button. Works like Tank 1/Tank 2 buttons, but it enables output from these three LOXY tanks.
4. HYGN drain valve button. If you enable this, it drains excess HYGN from HYGN tank. I added this, because... ...we just need LOXY (OXYG), and since water has 2/3 chance to give HYGN, 1/3 chance to give OXYG during electrolylis, we have a lot of it. You understand me now?
5. These red and green buttons around HSWC. They are used to disable or enable heat conduction. Guess what, red one turns it OFF, green turns it ON.
6. And Green&Red buttons touching DSTW&HYGN pipe. They were just added. But guess what they do!
2. Actually using power plant
If you have trouble with using my power plant, you should read it's instruction:
0. Enable "Fuel ignition button." Now you can ignite BCOL with it.
1. Fill Tank 1 and Tank 2 with some explosive stuff, that burns lower than 1500C
2. Enable Tank 1/Tank 2 or both tanks output
3. Now you can add LOXY to LOXY tanks. If no, skip to point 5.
4. Enable LOXY tanks output.
5. Wait until temperature reaches 100C or more. You can watch to Temp.: [temperature]C sign.
6. If water reaches 100C, it will go throught "turbines" and generate some power. Power output is where Power output sign is.
7. As steam goes to cooling chamber (this structure with PTCT/NTCT cooler), it is condensed to DSTW, that goes to electrolylis chamber where is changed to HYGN/HYGN/OXYG. Then HYGN and OXYG goes to sorting chamber which sorts out HYGN and OXYG, HYGN goes to big HYGN tank, then goes to combustion chamber where is burned, OXYG goes to LOXY making chamber, where is changed to LOXY, and goes all the way to last (or all 3) LOXY tank(s). Note: Water in Water tank won't last forever, You need to refuel it some time.
8. When HYGN and OXYG (heated LOXY) burn together, they have chance of making WTRV that can be DSTW and then more HYGN and OXYG. There's actually sorting system that saves about 33% of WTRV made from burning HYGN and OXYG. I know, it's not that much, but could be 0.
9. Power plant will continue running on only water (WATR -> WTRV -> DSTW -> HYGN + OXYG), eventually PTCT/NTCT cooler will stop condensing WTRV to DSTW, because it can overheat. But stay calm, it doesn't happen often.
10. In TPT, if some OXYG or LOXY* touches IRON, it becomes BMTL and then BRMT, which in TPT (and irl) is called corroding. Hard word. So electrolylis chamber uses 5 clones to clone any missing IRON, mainly after BRMT falls out to BRMT tank.
11. If there's no LOXY left in LOXY tanks, just refill it. As I said earlier, we have almost no oxygen, but a lot of hydrogen. So if You have no LOXY, just refill tanks.
*Works with WATR, SLTW and SALT too.
And that's end of manual.
3. Additional info
Here's little Q&A about power plant itself:
Q: I filled entire HYGN tank with HYGN, blocking pipes and even sorter! PLS help!
A: Go to 1.4 point of manual
Q: Eww, when i put NITR in Tank 1 and Tank 2, use some AIR outside tanks, NITR in Tank 1 blows up, but it stays fine in Tank 2! Fix it or else I will dislike!
A: Maybe because I made Tank 1 from INSL that absorbs heat, not pressure and Tank 2 from TTAN that absorbs pressure, not heat?
Q: I melted these PSCN things in combustion chamber, why?!
A: Firstly, these PSCN things are called... ...uhm... ...Ignitors? Second, PSCN melts when warmer than ~1500C. But why I chosen PSCN, not 3000C resistant TUNG? PSCN itselt doesn't heat too much when sparked, only until 100C or so. TUNG heats until ~3200C, and is very brittle.
Q: It sucks!
A: You too. No just kidding, I can be banned for this xD
Q: U fuc***g idiot! You made WTRV cooler from PCTT (or whats it called) and NCCC! Only CLNE(LOXY)-I mean LN2 best! I mean Nice! Dislike! -1000!
A: Why I made like that? I don't know. Maybe because it don't use CLNE. Originally it was CONV(ICE) + ICE, but it was freezing WTRV instead of cooling. And that's it for ET001PRWLTT Power Plant manual. Hope you enjoyed.
Q: Hey but i put some things with WIFI around it and it broken it. Why?
A: Well, some channels "collided", but channels of Your WIFI.
Q: Can I copy?
A: Yes, but it would be nice if you give credit.
And Moderators and Devs, you can lock it, but don't have to, i recommend don't locking, but if needed... ...ok... ...meh...
And sorry for that G A P S in text (if there are any, now I removed).