Two element suggestions

  • KyYay
    16th Aug 2020 Member 4 Permalink

    HWEL/Heat Well

    Color: Dark Red (Off) Orange (On)

    Section: Powered Materials

    Cannot be melted or broken by pressure.

    A powered element, sort of. I say sort of because instead of being on and off, PSCN and NSCN would toggle what "state" it is in.

    HWEL would take the heat of nearby particles when "on", and give the heat to nearby particles when "off".

    The temperature at which it stops giving or taking heat (the minimum/maximum temperature it can be) would be determined by the tmp and tmp2 variables respectively; they would be set to 0 and 9999 normally (meaning it would only stop giving/recieving heat at the two limits).

    Basically, if the HWEL's temp is below it's tmp, it will not give heat, and if it's temp is above it's tmp2, it will not take heat.

    HRSW/Heat-Relative Speed Wire

    Color: Pale Blue (0.5x speed and below) Pale Purple (2x speed and above)

    Section: Electronics
    Cannot be melted or broken by pressure. Affected by EMP.

    This element would conduct electricity at a varying speed, relative to it's temperature. The lower the temperature, the slower it conducts. At 0°C it would conduct at half the speed of METL, 50°C would be same as METL, 100°C would be double speed of METL, etc. Or something like that. Maybe it would be additive instead of multiplicative, maybe it wouldn't go in 50's, i dunno. I just think a wire of custom speed would be nice.

    Edited 2 times by KyYay. Last: 16th Aug 2020
  • nousernamefound
    16th Aug 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    these sound very cool (hope the first one makes it in game) ill give u an upvote :D

  • CCl2F2
    17th Aug 2020 Moderator 1 Permalink

    i don't understand xd but more elements - better tpt

  • Ihaveagreatfantasy
    18th Aug 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    HWEL sounds cool, but HRSW can be replased by DLAY or, atleast semiconductors.

  • polokus
    1st Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @Ihaveagreatfantasy (View Post)

     I would say the same until I thought it through.


    DLAY and semiconductors can't make what you could make with this.

  • josha254
    2nd Sep 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I would love these elements to be added!!