Just now I've made a save which utilises the tag feature to tag stolen saves so people can easily find if their saves are stolen or not, and also so mods can easily find saves to banish off of the TPT database. We also are "recruiting" a team to test anti copy bombs and verify them. This is ran solely by the community of tpt, and all this would be impossible without the powder toy's community. If any mods would like to contribute (which I doubt will ever happen), feel free to do so. If you want to join, comment on save 2573577, or reply to this thread.
Fedor1094_TRUE Denied for denying anti copy bombs frequently
I don't think it's a good idea. Why not just use the save report button?
What if someone starts spamming saves with "copyindex" tag or what if the save author just deletes the tag?
Moreover there are high chances that some users might false report a save since members can't see some of the save publishing info that mods easily can.
So in my opinion, it's best to report if you find a stolen save and leave it upto mods.