Newbie help

  • Ihaveagreatfantasy
    19th Jul 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    So, I'm building a computer thing. And when I write any non-logic command my machine executes this command but doesn't proceeds to other command as usual. I'm very sorry for asking someone else to debug my machine, but I can't find the problem. Id: 2566115

    Edited once by Ihaveagreatfantasy. Last: 19th Jul 2020
  • quanl222
    19th Jul 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry I can't help you with that.

    20th Jul 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 20th Jul 2020
  • Ihaveagreatfantasy
    20th Jul 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @INFINITY-BOI (View Post)

     It executes logic commands properly, and moves to the next cokmand as intended (you can write ctype of those commands and spark piston pscn to move to next command, after that spark those arays. If everything done right you will get the output at R/W head.) But when I try to execute any other command, like memory or I/O commands, machine executes them but don't proceeds to the next command. 


    What about ALU, my "computer thing" is more like turing machine, not the real computer. Plus you can try to implement binary number add or subtract commands with basic logic commands and if statements.


    Edit: I signed main parts and added start button. Write some commands and press it and you will see the problem.

    Edited once by Ihaveagreatfantasy. Last: 20th Jul 2020
    20th Jul 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 20th Jul 2020
  • Ihaveagreatfantasy
    20th Jul 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @INFINITY-BOI (View Post)

     No, after 1-2 commands machine stops the chain (only if this is not LOGIC commands. By logic I mean AND, OR, NOT and IF).

    20th Jul 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by INFINITY-BOI. Last: 20th Jul 2020
  • Ihaveagreatfantasy
    20th Jul 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @INFINITY-BOI (View Post)

     Thanks! I completely forgot about that. I don't think I should try to build computers...


    Also, how to delete this thread?

    Edited once by Ihaveagreatfantasy. Last: 20th Jul 2020
    20th Jul 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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