It's simple.
It's just an object that can take keyboard input.
You can toggle keyboard input mode on or off by using some combination of inputs such as alt + k
You can use tmp as a selector for letters and numbers.
If tmp2 = 1 then it takes any input.
Or you could use tmp2 as the thing other conductors look for.
Or you could use tmp2 as the input selector maybe 0 is nil.
And tmp as the thing conductors look for (easy to copy paste from detector.)
It outputs a simple spark to all nearby conductors in a similar way to detector.
I know it is an element that has been coded and suggested before but I think it is such a good element for computers and various typewriters that it needs to be more accessable.
I found the previous thread made for the element but I didn't find an easy link to the code. I would much rather it be something on jacob1's mod's script list so that it would be easy to install this very useful script. I have wanted some easy way to quickly spark letters on a typewriter since I made one. Plus whenever I tried to use the texter script it didn't seem to work (or maybe I didn't use it right.) The 'key' element would be very easy to understand especially if some kind of window popped up with all the letters and numbers or if there was a pop-up input box in which you could just press a key and you'd be good, that would be even easier.
An element like this would definitely make it easier and much faster to create tutorials, instructions, and even just enhance simple things like making a press this button sign or an unpause sign.
If the previous script that did this still works then I would okay with just getting a working link.