BIZR has a very special property that no other element has. It can paint any element it comes in contact with. When I first realized this, my mind immediately jumped to spray paint. So I made a prototype for a spray gun that would spray BIZR onto walls. But that didn't work. I realized that pipes void BIZR of its color. My suggestion is to have BIZR keep its color after traveling through pipes.
So I have to resort to using FRAY to push it around?
i tried with the Ctype. the Ctype was the same as it entered but BIZR doesn't change the colour of FILT with it's Ctype. the deco won'y stay on.
Yeah that is correct.We allow you to decorate pipe, so we remember the deco color of the pipe itself. But particles going through it have no place to store what their deco color was.
I actually made this change once years ago, but Simon had me undo it for this reason.
I wonder if we can have a flag or something to allow both options at the same time ... lets say if pipe finds a particle with a deco color, and the pipe itself has no decorations, it will pass the decorations through. But if the pipe was already decorated, it will keep its deco color, and erase the decorations on the particle coming through. This would allow us to have both options work seamlessly (decorated pipe, passthrough decorations), just not at the same time.tbh i think thats a great idea