si have made a computer in powdertoy its not the best but for its size its great its graphics isnt tuned but its fast and has 44 bytes of memory. i have made it so that it is compact but it has a 8bit cd drive 1 usb wifi tuned to temps of 2200 2300 2400 2500 with each on an optional switch on and off. its also has a keyboard a mini 8bit touch pad and a wifi 3 by 7 pixelcan js screen.
a few of the commands or you can just experiment. to load harddrive press L hardrive is pre loaded with the letter n
to reset cache and screen press on the touch pad 10000000
to turn on the wifi reciver press the on button near the bottom of the computer.
activate or read usb and disk enter on the key pad ijk
really thats all that you need to know you can experiment then just load up the harddrive first and then you can go also if the cpu does overload just leave it for a second to fix its self and remeber after every command is complete enter 10000000 and then cls to clarify.
Nice, but where we get the USB disks, the Wi-Fi communicator? And where is the CD drive? I saw your other electronics and I think they are nice, but we need further instructions to operate these things.
usb to program just spark the pscn to turn on but unfortunatly to save space theres no off so just save the one with nothing on it first 1 3 the disk to program the disk you need to add the same element to make the conection eg 1234 just to warn it might overload if not coded exactly!!!!!! 234
to use wifi select the channel on the sid eof computer listed 12reset34 in that order form the top then on the sender enter in morse code on the channel that you want to send to or you could set up a second computer to run it.
Nice, but where we get the USB disks, the Wi-Fi communicator? And where is the CD drive?I saw your other electronics and I think they are nice, but we need further instructions to operate these things.