
  • nousernamefound
    19th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    This is a simple one to explain so: I want something in the settings where you can toggle notifications for comments. It would help small people like me, but bigger creators would keep it off. Useful for "Ill make you a ____" saves, or those roleplay ones. I dont know if it would work for pc (I mean, some websites use them) but mobile would work too.

  • Fusionftw
    19th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Why not like the in-game notifications, like the ones that tell you that you've got a private message, or that your game needs updating?

  • nousernamefound
    19th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    yea those would work too actually!

  • jacob1
    20th May 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    Agree, every time this is suggested I always say I want it implemented. I just don't want to touch the website code at the moment.

    I don't think I would implement this using the existing notification system. I find that annoying, mostly because of the admin notifications for unread reports. So I've already seen how annoying unwanted notifications can be.

    I would rather have it displayed on your save in the save browser, some kind of "new comment" indicator perhaps. We could also have a feed of comments.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 20th May 2020
  • nousernamefound
    20th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    those would work too, i understand tho