Title limit is really scarce...
Title: Building from source yields empty ElementClasses.h in generated folder.
Environment: Windows 10, Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
Build Procedure: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Compiling_tpt%2B%2B_with_Visual_studio.html
Following the steps (including putting required libs into source) yields successful build. However when looking at generated/ElementClasses.h only this line is contained:
#error "Please install python and run generator.py. Also, make sure you downloaded and extracted Required Libraries.zip"
Again, I can run the main function no problem but this "bug" is odd and doesn't allow me to just follow the wiki on creating custom elements 1:1 (getting my feet wet and familiarizing myself with the code-base atm)
Any pointers on what I might be doing wrong perhaps? non-nullptr much appreciated
PS: I will (just for good procedure) go over the wiki once again and build everything form scratch
Thanks. When I got my stuff down on the source I'll be happy to contribute to the dev-wiki since I love good, up-to-date documentation.
How do you guys like to communicate on "Issues" and discuss things? Metadiscussions here on the forum and specific discussions on Github via Issues? Sorry I might just have to look around in the wiki for the standards of communication. Also I guess I should open a new Topic instead of chaining my question... Anyway thanks for new. Suggestions have been taken :)