New elements
PFLT - Powdered FILT
Not colored by FILT when cloning ctype using a detector.
Lighter than FWRK, heavier than MERC
It can transmit 30 bit data efficiently.
And easy to use. It is for beginners like me
GSNS - Gravity SeNSor
It is almost the same as other sensors, but responds to GX and GY values.
ERAY - Erasing RAY emitter
Unlike CRAY, it erases DMND, FILT, CRAY, and even itself.
CDTC - Cursor DeTeCtor
It converts cursor's coordinate into binary and sets ctype of FILT.
When tmp=0,
X coordinate(0~628) starts from 1024,
Y coordinate(0~423) starts from 1,
When tmp=1,
X coordinate(0~628) starts from 1,
Y coordinate(0~423) starts from 1024
FPSS - Frame Per Second Sensor
FPS to FILT's ctype
Used for synchronizing with REAL.
HRAY - Heat RAY emitter
Sets temperature. It can heat insulated materials. It can set AHeat.
JELY - Jelly
Invert VX, VY
Not to melt or break.
Can reflect B,C,D RAYs
New properties
GPMP - When its tmp 1, it works just like PUMP(tmp=1)
HEAC - It conducts heat to insulated materials when its tmp 1
FRME - The width of the FRME that moves together is determined using tmp2.
LDTC - if tmp2 >= 16, detects in grid direction only
whats the purpose of a fps sensor when its at the top left of the display?
ERAY is can be made with CRAY(SPRK)
CRAY can't delete DMND. But ERAY can; however, so can DRAY with nothing in between it and the DMND. But I think ERAY has potential to be quite useful (it would make erasing things easier than with CRAY or DRAY.)
What's the point of deleting DMND though? The element is supposed to be indestructible.
I haven't the faintest idea why they made it so that DRAY can delete DMND.