Got banned on TPT Multiplayer?

  • Addison
    5th Feb 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    So I discovered the multiplayer mod yesterday or something with a friend and we checked it out and it was pretty fun. Went to try to connect to his game and all i got was "You are Banned". I probably know why since we were meming around with the chat function and some shit was said, frankly don't remember what tho. Does anyone know of any way to appeal to a ban from the Multiplayer Mod? any forum or site I can go to? Just wanna get back into it because we were having a hell of a fun time.

  • jacob1
    5th Feb 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    The stuff you said would have gotten you immediately banned from TPT. It was racist, and swore, both of which break TPT rules.

    I removed it. It's been a few days. If you do it again, the ban won't be removed.

    You can message me here if you have more to say, it is better than using a public forum thread:
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 5th Feb 2020
Locked by jacob1: resolved