Win 7 has to be having end support

  • Rashoneh
    9th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Today i watched in YT, then i was happened because it's very sad.

    Watch it this link:


    However MS wanted to do Win 7 end support, if it got this, it won't recieve every updates due to it's final update as well. no secrity update and updates..

    If you're running on outdated version of it's win 7, you have to move to it's win 10 Or linux.


    For some reason MS can't do work withn' windows 7 at all. it's only 4 days left tomorrow.


    10th Jan 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Rashoneh
    10th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @INFINITY-BOI (View Post)

     I doesn't know how to make OS at all. Making OS doesn't be existable. :T


    EDIT1: only 2 days left for end support! tomorrow we'll be moving to linux or not.

    Edited 2 times by Rashoneh. Last: 12th Jan 2020