theres a guy on tptmp trying to ddos me

  • East_Europe3339
    16th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    that guy is 0d15ea5ebe57c0de0ddf00d, hes a guest. masked into a user(thats ok) but he has a long username. so players need time to kick him (who came 1st). in meanwhile he talks about "lets not fight". i say yes. he kicks me and says "NOT". also he was blackmailing me, he was saying i will ddos you if you dont give me the channel. not like that (straight) but slowly. can you help me devs or mods?


    slowly: "bla blalalalal(half an h. later) ok?"

    Edited once by Test1234. Last: 16th Dec 2019
  • Supercrafter
    16th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Test1234 (View Post)

     Report him and use anti-ddos programs, preferably the latter first. 

  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    I see no evidence this actually happened. He didn't seem interested in arguing with you. He also didn't seem interested in finding your channel, he was just saying you won't find him, and had no interest in finding you. I also don't see him kicking you (nobody has been kicked recently). There's also no logs of him saying he would DDoS you.

    It's not possible for a tptmp player to DDoS you because they don't get your ip address. The only ip address used is the one for the tptmp server itself.
  • LittleProgramming
    18th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Holy crap... Stay safe out there, Sporeman!

  • East_Europe3339
    18th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    i think he joked. idk. and ok. lock this

Locked by jacob1: Lock requested