Expanding (EXPN) is a greenish solid,but not normal solid!
Its starting temperature is -273.15 Celsies and if there are no other objects it will stay still.However,if there is something hotter in some radius,it will grow in that direction and slowly increase the temperature.This radius can be set as tmp and is 100 in normal case.When its temperature becomes equal to the the temperaure of the object,it will again stay still.But,if there are something colder in the radius,parts of the expanding that are nearest to the colder object will begin to dissipate and temperature of the expanding will begin to decrease.When every parts that have colder object in the radius disappear or when temperatures equalize,it will again stay still.If reaches temperature of 9725.85 Celsius in any moment,it will disappear.Take note that temperature of the whole structure must be same everywhere to prevent internal dissipates.
It is unflammable and resistant to acid,but not to the DEST,BOMB and SING.
This element maybe is not much useful,but is very fun to play with.
What do you think about this element?Please comment!
You're literally just mashing random words together.