Can someone please compile the photons info from the 43.0 beta and put them in the new powder toy 44.7? The reason I ask is because the laser I made in 43.0 don't work as well as in 44.7 For example use the laser save I have attached on this in fist powder toy 43.0 beta, then use it on the 44.7. I want the laser to look the same as it does in 43.0. SO can someone please do this for me?
MY laser LoadSaveBlock(82154);
Ps: Im sorry if this is the wrong thread Ps: It wont open on beta.... srry but hopefully you will know what I mean
Srry old codes lost. If you have it maybe I will. Depends.
It depends on what you mean if I have it... I have the beta but the code it self... well no. I tried the programming thing with visual studio but I had some errors with the github/bash part and for some reason the password wouldnt work. )=