BIG NEWS:I FINALLY FOUND THE FIRST SPACESHIP!It moves a t light speed or c/2 speed(I am still not sure)orthogonnaly and I called it the ,,rocket".Also, i found some mew rules:
B2356/S3567/3, difference is just in time in number of generatiopns in that cells stay before dissapearing,but it is quite different rule with Seeds-like looking and in that the contracter is a common replicator that I here call ,,Laner".
B3567/S24578, or how I call it ,,PseudoMove",acts like Move but with some new oscillators,without the common puffer and spaceships are also still unknown.
B478/S2356/4 or something like this(at ,,Golly I wrote 2356/478/4), I call this rule ,,Still life rule" because it has tons of different still lifes, but also some small oscillators and some wicks that can easily be burned.
NEWS:I found a new non-totalisic rule with rulestring B2-a3k6/S236.I called it ,,Writers".Why?Thus rule has a variety of still lifes and a number of oscillators, but also a small pattern that ,,writes", or creates a line behind it.Also,if you crash two of them,they may create a new pattern that changes a line that is left behind one of them.
NEWS:I found some interesting rules:
34578/257/16(B257/S34578/16) is a very interesting rule that I call ,, Spaceships and diamonds".It contains lots of spaceships,many of which are rakes. It also contains many diamond - shaped oscillators and small still lifes cross and barge(different from barge from game of life). Many puffers also exist,most of them are based on spaceship collisions. There is also one interesting feature:many spaceships have,,spine" that often may produce other spaceships or create wickstretchers.
35678/2367/256(B2367/S35678/256) is a rule that I call ,,Planes". Despite high period after that cells dissapear,it is very interesting. I also studied variations of this rule with different staying period.
If you have ,,Golly",please try my rules!