WIFI suggestion

  • Fusionftw
    25th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    We should have ranged WIFI.



    TMP2 would determine the radius (the range would be in a circle).


    Any WIFI on the same channel outside of the range will not connect.


    As long as part of one WIFI range "circle" is overlapping with another one (of the same channel), then it will conect.


    A new view called Signal View (SHIFT + 2) would show each signal range (each channel would have a different color) and darken the background like find mode.




    • You can use more WIFI in a save, overcoming the channel limit.
    • You can use more than 1 machine in a save that uses WIFI.
    • You can make contraptions that could push WIFI certain places in order to activate something.
  • LBPHacker
    25th Aug 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    • We have an issue open about increasing the channel limit. It's really low-priority but I don't remember anyone being against it.
    • Would make more sense if the range was a square or at best a rectangle. In general though, if you're not prepared to face configuration issues in the form of channel clashes, just don't use WIFI.
    • There are much superior ways of achieving that. Besides, if you have space for such contraptions, you don't really need WIFI.
  • Fusionftw
    25th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I just though this would kind of be cool to use. I just chose a circle for the range because I though it might be easier to implement, if a square works better, then that's ok. I just tried to come up with some uses.

  • XVNexus
    26th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I've been noticing all the suggestions that don't obviously get accepted. How the heck did LOVE and LOLZ even become a thing if you (LBPHacker) and the other devs didn't clearly accept this??

    Edited once by Nexos. Last: 26th Aug 2019
  • phox
    26th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    usually it's "you can do this with other elements" but almost all explosives do basically the same thing, and some like the ones you mentioned are never used and are just junk elements

  • Sylvi
    26th Aug 2019 Moderator 1 Permalink
    @Nexos (View Post)
    Suggestions on the forums are far less likely to be accepted than those placed in a pull request through the github. This is partly due to the less time needed to be dedicated for development of a new element. Things like LOVE and LOLZ were part of the fun when developing the game *years* ago, between the main developers. The development process has changed a lot and these aren't as prevalent anymore.

    That's not to say suggestions on the forums are entirely rejected. We've had some good suggestions and some of them are implemented in various forms in the game. There's just a higher threshold because most suggestions can be done with other elements or have a niche use
    Edited 2 times by Lockheedmartin. Last: 26th Aug 2019
  • jacob1
    26th Aug 2019 Developer 1 Permalink
    @Nexos (View Post)
    Those two elements were added to cracker64's mod, back when there was more active development on the game. Everything in his mod was merged into the official version, useless elements included. This was like 8 years ago. Things have changed significantly in 8 years and none of the devs have much time any more.

    Edit: Lockheedmartin wins
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 26th Aug 2019
  • LBPHacker
    26th Aug 2019 Developer 1 Permalink

    In other words, those elements wouldn't be added today. And even if we unconditionally added elements that brought something new to the game (which we don't do), you can probably see that we'd very rapidly converge to a sort of "feature saturation" even then, i.e. at some point new things would stop being added frequently. In fact, TPT is already beyond that point, which is why we can easily shoot down 99% of new suggestions (excluding the ones that we shoot down because they're plain stupid).

    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 26th Aug 2019