I believe a useful tool, called Flash Freezing (FFRZ) could be used to instantly freeze everything on the screen (or a certain selected area) without pausing. It could freeze fire (I know, not physically accurate) and molten objects to absolute zero, and could also stop certain flammable particles to become un-flammable if frozen. It's a stupid idea, but maybe it could have potential.
smjjames That's not what i meant, but ok. And do you even know what absolute zero is? It would add a whole new concept to powdertoy absolute zero is so cold that atoms don't even move, well thats what it is in the real world, but in powder toy it could add Bose Einstein Condensate. (please people who don't know what that is, don't go and say i'm an idiot, i need someone who knows some good chemistry/physics to read this.)
I think there should be a tool to set a temperature (would be changed by cntl+ mouse scroll or something like that) and then would keep it at that set temperature, and able to go to absolute zero. And could heat things too, it could be an update to heat/cool tool and would combine both.