TRSP - Transparent
Color: rgb(60,60,60,128)
If you change the Alpha property, the transparency changes.
Tooltip: “Transparent, acts like a window.”
Particles can pass behind it, just like GRVT, and it also can be layered over elements like GRVT.
If you paint the element with deco, then it will take on the transparency you paint it with (For example, rgb(128,128,0,200) tints the window dark yellow, and changes the transparency to 200).
It does not conduct heat, and is indestructible.
Decorations initially used to work in a way very similar to this, you could draw colours even on a blank screen.
If you want to hide elements, you can still layer GRAV and apply deco to it.
Also i think it's in the rejected suggestions list.
Grav works very well for this, with one exception:
It uhh, glows.
We already have invs!