frme problems

  • micro
    29th Apr 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    So first the id:2414527

    I am haveing a problem with my railgun thats in develipment.

    For some reason when I paste in a shell the piston and frame dont work right.

    I will fire the gun and the piston will just PLOW throgh the frame insted of the piston hitting the frame and pushing the shell out of the gun.

    Am I doing something wrong? no matter what I do the piston moves past the frame insted of pushing the whole frame. I looked at the wiki page for bolth and found nothing.

    Is the piston im my save bugging out?;Or am i doing something wrong?

  • mark2222
    29th Apr 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @micro (View Post)


    There's a single empty pixel between the PSTN and the FRME. Fill it up with a PSTN.


    FRME will only work as you expect if it is "attached" to the PSTN. If there is space between the PSTN and the FRME, it's as if the FRME were floating in free space. Since it is not part of a piston, the particles behave as if they are disconnected from each other. This is admittedly a little unintuitive.

  • micro
    29th Apr 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you its working now.