Cracker1000's Mod

    2nd Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    can you add an option to do default tpt font in the texter?

  • Redfrogcrab
    2nd Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)

     alright, thanks man

  • jake35X
    4th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    First install, it launches and works fine, after restarting my machine and launching it, it starts up in the background and no window appears. is there something im doing wrong?

  • Cracker1000
    5th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @jake35X (View Post)

    Okay, never got a report like that before. There are some issues with restarting tpt but that's another issue. I would like you to answer the following questions first,


     Which platform are you using (Win/Lin/Mac)? And also which version?

    Are there other scripts present? Does vanilla tpt launch fine for you?

    5th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Can you rename LITH2 to LBTR? (Lithium BaTteRy)


    i just hate the 5 char name.

    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 5th Nov 2021
  • Cracker1000
    5th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @IEATDIRT (View Post)

     The original name of that element was "RBTR" i.e Realistic Battery. But yeah, I wanted to rename chlr to Cl too, maybe I should rename LITH2 too.

    Also, regarding your suggestion to add realistic fonts to texter, there's already a script available for that that you can download via script manager.

    5th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    i know about that script, but i just wanted it to be integrated for ease of access and not having to open a different texter to get the different font

  • Redfrogcrab
    5th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    Element idea:

    PMOL is based on the alien pathogen/physics-defying terraforming agent Protomolecule for the book series the expanse 

    -PMOL could be a viscous liquid found in the radioactive tab that has many state changes over time, its color would be a mix of glowing light blue and dark greyish-blue

    -PMOL would start as a liquid until it comes into contact with another particle, which it would turn it into another PMOL, reflecting the state that particle was in (ie., if PMOL came into contact with DUST, it would be a powder PMOL), after a certain amount of PMOL is formed, it will stop spreading and all PMOL will become solid and then start forming 2 rings and form a portal-esc element RING filling each ring.

    -the process can be sped up when PMOL is exposed to NEUT, PHOT, or PLTM; slowed down when exposed to OXYG or LOXY; and can be destroyed by PLSM, FIRE, or high pressure and temperature.

    -Solid PMOL starts as a glowing light blue that pulsates but slowly develops hexagonal dark-blue patterns
    -liquid PMOL would be brown and glowing light blue, but then slowly turn solid
    -powder PMOL would be glowing light blue and super light, basically floating in the air, if it lands on something that's not PMOL, and the PMOL limit has not been reached, it will start to spread more PMOL
    -RING acts like portal in and portal out, but in both directions

    -creates random amounts of gravity, both negative and positive
    -kills Stickmen, but slowly, also makes them spit out liquid PMOL

    -converts PLNT, WOOD, SAWD, and VINE very quickly

    -Description: Converts other elements into more PMOL until it's satisfied, don't touch it


    And that's really it

  • KubaPierozek
    6th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @Cracker1000: Ok here are more properties for helium:

    An invisible gas, glows the color I suggested only when electrified.

    Cannot catch fire as it is a unreactive noble gas. Also use PSCN to

    turn on the glow and NSCN to turn it off.

    Edited once by KubaPierozek. Last: 6th Nov 2021
  • Cracker1000
    7th Nov 2021 Member 0 Permalink

    @IEATDIRT (View Post)

     That would be an awful reason to copy someone's work.

    @Redfrogcrab (View Post)

     Sorry, elements that involve state changes aren't accepted. It wastes element slots available without adding anything useful.

    @KubaPierozek (View Post)

     Powering on n off gases don't work in tpt. All the parts need to be in touch with each other to share the power on/ off state.


    Version 32.1 released

    This update solves the multiplayer script update issues. I have added an Update MP option to the game which should do all the work for you. (Note that it disables the inbuild and Scriptmanager's mp version of script)


    The game also supports custom motd's now (That I can update remotely)

    Once you update the mod, I suggest using the reset button (to make some internal checks work properly). And yeah, the inbuilt MP is also updated now (the M sign will be replaced with default << sign tho so don't get confused with it).


    Edited once by Cracker1000. Last: 7th Nov 2021