I would like to see a "background element", where liquids, gases and powders pass through, as well as fire too, destructible with very high pressure or high temperatures, disappearing like GOO, it can be a normal one called "BKGD" (Background) and another that is activated and deactivated with PSCN and NSCN called "PBGD" (Powered Background) It can have many uses!
There are some ways to do the same with current elements,walls or both.
You can use INVS.It lets elements pass through it when under pressure.
You can also use air block wall with INVS and also customise it's .tmp to set amount of pressure activating it.
Another method can be use of E-Hole wall.
GRAV with life vx and vy set to zero
Can also be used.
@Cracker1000 It is not the same, the walls are not destructible and occupy 16 pixels, INVS only works under pressure and is not destroyed by heat and does not disappear, BKGD it would be a useful "Element" for all those who build cities and more. The powder toy is not only to create electronic saves, there are also other elements that are mostly destructible to build cities and many other things, there are no limits!. :D but thank you anyway! for the tips
I agree.I never said we don't need new elements like BKGD.I just put some light on some of the ways you can use to do it.
BKGD can be used in electronics too.Yes the possibilities are endless.
But still the point is that the element has been suggested multiple times use the search button (for eg https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=10935) )
It is almost the same as what I propose, but BKGD is destructible with pressure and heat, and disappears like GOO. (I'm sorry for "claim) You were just giving me tips on how to get a background with the current elements, Thank you!