Is it all FILT colors?

  • ssccsscc
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    This is save that demonstrates all RGB colors of FILT created with ctype. But there is 122 comments about is this all colors or not. So I am asking here.


  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    I'm very sleepy and don't want to read all the comments right now, but it appears that DayTimer253 has literally no idea what he's talking about.

    I made a similar save before here

    All PHOT colors can be represented as just 723 particles. I think FILT has a bit more because the graphics aren't as glitchy, your save looks exactly accurate and is what I would expect for the amount of unique FILT colors.

    So anyway, response from a dev confirming your save is accurate :)
  • archived_account
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @ssccsscc (View Post)

     using (online color picker, nvm), i found that almost every pixel in screenshoot i made bellow is defferent (not including black pixels). yeah, i dont understand how this strange wavelight to color working, but i can see more colors than author of this. 


    image not pasted?

    Edited 2 times by DayTimer253. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • LBPHacker
    15th Jul 2018 Developer 0 Permalink


    (The screenshot from the above post with a working link.)

  • ssccsscc
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @DayTimer253 (View Post)

    I made screenshot of ypur save and wrote program to calculate count of unique colors. The program saying that your save have only 56 unique colors.
    Program source:

    Image that was loaded by program:

    Also Image that you posted is compressed or resized so its have artefacts in colors. I think beacuse android version is run in not full resolution.
    Brush icon from your image is left and how it must look like is at right, you can see artefacts in color because of lower resolution

    Use PC version at normal resolution to see actual colors without artefacts

    Edited 6 times by ssccsscc. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • archived_account
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    " ... use android version <...> to see it without artifacts ... "

    but why u dont think that this caused by screenshoot resizing? i dont think u so stupid. you can, just forgot about android version and live with with screen made in china... and stop reuploading your save! its the only thing, that i want after your stupidness

    Edited once by DayTimer253. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • ssccsscc
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @DayTimer253 (View Post)

    What? I wrote before that it can caused by resizing, compression, low resolution. Use ingame color picker to get real colors or display with bigger resolution. You cant get real pixels color in your screenshot just because they are overridden and mixed with nearest pixels. Problems with your display, because game won't fit properly into your screen resolution.
    It's also confirmed by program from message above.

    Edited 6 times by ssccsscc. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @DayTimer253 (View Post)
    Can you stop arguing? I already confirmed that ssccsscc is right and you are wrong. Try using tpt's color picker instead, that will show you the exact color tpt draws at. (it's not possible to use the color picker on android right now)

    ssccsscc literally wrote a program to check your image and found that there were only 56 unique colors. How many unique colors did you find? Maybe create a list of every unique RGB color you see? You won't find more than 56.

    Basically, FILT/PHOT/BRAY use their own special color format which is extremely limited. It's not RGB format, it gets converted into RGB format using some formula that will create a ton of duplicate RGB values for similar FILT colors.
  • archived_account
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     then why u dont close thread? i said him to stop reuploading this useless save. 

  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @DayTimer253 (View Post)
    If you don't like a save, ignore it. Don't tell people to not reupload their saves. Pretty much everyone reuploads their saves all the time.

    I will lock this thread now, and please don't comment on the save again
Locked by jacob1: it is all filt colors