This menu can be opened by pressing a key combination. What it does is it allows FULL control over a save like A-Heat Set temprature so you could have arctic saves without ice melting. it would probably look like:
A-Heat Temp { 22°C ]
Min / Max Temp {-273.15°C } > { 9785.825°C ]
Wall Mode Advanced[{Solid}] [Loop] [Void]
Alternate selection 1
A-Heat Temp { 22°C ]
Min / Max Temp {-273.15°C } > { 9785.825°C ]
Wall Mode Advanced[Solid] [{Loop}] [Void]
Alternate selection 2
A-Heat Temp { 22°C ]
Min / Max Temp {-273.15°C } > { 9785.825°C ]
Wall ModeAdvanced [Solid] [Loop] [{Void}]
[Clone] [{Yes}]/[No]
List Elements (Whitelist)
{Stne, Brmt, Bcol, Sand}
List Element (Clone)
[Default] [{Advanced}]
Life [-]
Deco [-]R [-]G [-]B
Another combination could allow you to edit special properties of spawned items emitted from things like clne, pstn, aray, ect.
I used {} to indicate that the button is selected.
An idea like this needs a lot of fleshing out. More information is needed or it can't even be considered
My idea is just to make a giant sign that goes away that you can modify without opening another menu disquised as a menu and the game just has to look for numbers and just create and modify some file which is like whatever makes TPT's physics work that only gets saved if the save was then that file would override control over that save. If you use a stamp from it then the game would ask you what physics system you want. Basically it's just an easy console menu.
Modifying the game physics isn't possible. TPT would lose a fair bit of performance simply by making a bunch of constants be modifiable instead of constant. may be a slight exaggeration, unless the sheer amount of branching is truly that bad