Some element suggestions

  • cubesmithdotcom
    7th Jun 2018 Member 2 Permalink

    1: IODN, Iodine. Powder. Melts into IODL at 113.7 degrees celsius. Sublimates into IODG at 184.3 degrees celsius. Dark gray. Reflects photons, darkening them.

    2: IODC, Iodine crystals. Shatters into IODN at a pressure of 20. Melts into IODL at 113.7 degrees celsius. Sublimates into IODG at 184.3 degrees celsius. Dark gray. Reflects photons, darkening them.

    3: IODL, Liquid Iodine. Liquid. Freezes into IODN at 113.7 degrees celsius. Evaporates into IODG at 184.3 degrees celsius. Very dark purple. Reflects red, blue, and purple photons, darkening them. Also lets white and gray photons, recoloring them to very dark purple. Absorbs all other photons. Heals FIGH, STKM, and STK2 by 1 hitpoint per pixel of IODL on contact.

    4: IODG, Iodine vapour. Gas. Condenses into IODL at 184.3 degrees celsius. Deposits into IODC at 113.7 degrees celcius. Light purple. Lets red, blue, and purple photons through. Also lets white and gray photons through, recoloring them to light purple. Absorbs all other photons. Damages FIGH, STKM, and STK2 by 1 hitpoint per pixel of IODG on contact.

    5: FLRN, Fluorine. Gas. Replaces every material that has transitions with FIRE on contact.

  • Sylvi
    8th Jun 2018 Moderator 0 Permalink

    3) Add in as many details and uses as you can. A boring element with not many uses will probably be ignored. If you give lots of uses, more people will like it want it to be added. Don't just add in random uses though, they should all have a purpose


    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 8th Jun 2018
  • Rocketrad
    8th Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     Can we have element suggestions be in it's own discussion?

  • jacob1
    8th Jun 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Rocketrad (View Post)
    I'm not sure what you are asking, the Feedback subforum is already for element suggestions. I don't think it needs a subforum separate from other feedback.

    One thing not mentioned is that having too many element suggestions in one post is also discouraged. Any post that's just a list of elements is almost always rejected.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 8th Jun 2018
  • _Theo
    15th Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Do not make different variations of the same element, it just gets really boring, trust me, I made a mod about that.

  • NeonNuisance
    21st Jun 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @cubesmithdotcom (View Post)

     Iodine can de used to make touch powder, a extreamly pressure sensitive explosive, it is a powder and if disturbered (moved) it will detonate. It is made when iodine comes in contact with amonia but has to fry before it is exploseive, durring the wet stage (less than one to two minutes after forming without airflow) it is not exploseve and is a liquid, after one minute of being a liquid it turns into a sludge and sticks to things, after two minutes it drys and is now exploseive. Can be rehidrated with amonia into the first stage and will not dry if submerged. Therefor amonia can't detonate touch powder. However touch powder can detonate itself if droped onto itselfe or moved. Touch powder could be abreviated to TCHP and TCHL when liquid and TCHS when sludge.

  • cubesmithdotcom
    25th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    7: NH3. Ammonia. Light blue gas, similar to CAUS. Condenses into NH3L at 239.81K.

    8: NH3L. Liquid Ammonia. Liquid version of Ammonia. Boils into NH3 at 239.81K.

    9: NI3. Nitrogen Triiodide. Red powder. Made by mixing IODN, IODC, IODL, or IODG with NH3L. When any velocity or pressure is applied, if it is not touching any NH3L, it will explode, releasing a shockwave of pressure and some IODG, 1 pixel of IODG per exploding pixel of NI3.