So I just followed the steps here:
to get the source code into Visual studio so that I could contribute to the development of The Powder Toy.
I was going to start by removing some of the C arrays from:
and for some reason, working in the data/shaders.h file
when i do #include <string> i dont get any errors. But for some reason when i do std:: intellisense only pops up with std::nullptr_t and for some reason doesn't find anything else inside the std namespace.
Am i doing something wrong or just being stupid.
Ok fixed the issue. for some reason in Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Language, there was nothing set for C++ Language Standard... Set that to ISO C++ Latest draft and it found the STL agian :)
I'll take a look when I get stuff to work. had a PC crash which corrupted the files :| so I tried reinstalling and had loads of issues so now I'm following the "compiling for windows with scons" guide. and I got to the end. it compiles but when I try to run I get this error:
The procedure entry point
first_ofERKS4_i could not be located in the dynamic link library
Ill make this a new post