Candle/lantern wick. Absorbs MWAX, OIL, or DESL similar to how SPNG absorbs WATR. Although flammable by itself, WICK that has absorbed one of the aforementioned flammable liquids will burn for a much longer duration.
Heat Sink. Will transfer heat from contacting solids to contacting gas or liquid.
Entangled Particle. Any particles sharing the same value (could be temperature or something else; up for discussion) will match each other's movements. For example: if one particle bounces off of an obstacle, its entangled counterpart(s) will bounce in the same direction despite the fact that it/they might be out in the open with no obstacles.
My problem with the heat conductor is the fact that it's a bit of a "cheat" material. There's no practical way that it can be destroyed.
HSNK would be a less "cheaty" material. If there wasn't a fluid to absorb the heat, it would melt.
Why not?