While exploring the web for an interesting suggestion, I came across something... interesting.
Element: Q-Star
Abbreviaton: QSTR
Description: Gray Hole
Colour: HEX(#515356) / rgb(81, 83, 86)
Element Category: Special
A Q-Star is NOT a Black Hole, though it is frequently mistaken as one.
Q-Star cannot be made when someone compresses something one-too-many times.
Way to make it: Q-Star is a Gray Hole. To make it, you must combine Exotic Matter and Neutrons, as Q-Star is a hypothetical neutron start with an exotic state of matter. Made when the Neutrons and Exotic Matter are paired together and forced under extreme pressure. 200+.
1. Event Horizon - Anything coming in contact with a Q-Star, Gray Hole, will be immediately pulled in. This includes light. Nothing can escape the gravitational pull. It may certainly circle around the Gray Hole, but it will never escape. All Photons, light particles, will be drawn into the Q-Star, no matter their linear motion.
2. Any destructible material around the Q-Star will immediate deterioate. Any destructible solid capable of becoming a powder, will become a powder. That powder will be sucked in. Any destructible solid incapable of becoming a powder will just dissipate, pixel-by-pixel.
"Nothing can escape the gravitational pull" is literally the definition of a black hole. Because light can't escape, we can't see them, which is why they're black.
An event horizon, yes, but a Q-Star is NOT a Black Hole.
You are pretty much describing BHOLE (Black Hole). Just named QSTAR. I don't know if this will be added, make a mod and I will see what is the difference.
1. The Black Hole in the game is disgustingly weak.
2. Q-Star is a Gray Hole. It's weaker than a Black Hole. It's just accidentally mistaken for a Black Hole.
3. A Q-Star is only hypotheitcal seeing as there really isn't definitive proof of its existence.
4. It's not a clone of TPT's Black Hole. It'd be stronger seeing as the TPT Black Hole can't disintegrate any destructible metal in it's base form. You'd have to adjust its properties. TPT's Black Hole can't even bend a photon.
Ah, ok but how about making BHOLE stronger?
Because black hole and white hole are so old, I doubt Jacob would change them.
TPT's Black Hole can't even bend a photon.
Are you sure newtonian gravity is on?
Unfortunately, it still can't break all edstructible elements completely.