okay, i'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but i think you should be able to edit/delete your own comments:
the idea is, a comment made by you would have a icon in the corner (maybe a pencil, or a gear), and when you click it it allows you to edit/delete that comment.
when you edit and save a comment, the comment would change to have a sign by the name that would say (edited). when you delete the comment, the text would either change to say (deleted) or simply dissapear.
thanks for the response!
i was also kind of skeptical on deleting comments,but i included it in my post in case anyone found it a good idea.
what I was thinking when I suggested the editing the comments was if, say you made a typo, or if something you commented is now either outdated, wrong, etc. I imagine people would probably abuse this too, but it would probably be worked around in some way.
i don't like the idea of deleting your own comments as much, but if it was implemented, it would probably be tweaked until it was harder/impossible to abuse with it, like editing.
(keep in mind, this is for comments in saves, you can already edit comments on the site, obviously)
@jacob1 (View Post)
Having refuted all of your reasons for not making the comments editable, will you concede?