Is there any non glowing element that lets oil gets through and is solid? I do not want to use pipe since it makes gas s glow visible and is easily breakable, not invs because requires pressure. Please help, this is for my 9th realistic chainsaw. it would really be usefull since the gas tank s with deco is dark and easy to notice any glow
Thank you but I talked about non-glowig and spark makes it glow and if I set it to maximum life after waiting it will turn off completly. Sorry, I want to make the chainsaw non-destructible by time. Sorry yet again
You could use PROT or GRVT, set to have extremely high life and no gravity, with deco to make them look like another element. They do both glow, but if you only have a few pixels in a space it's not very noticable. They also aren't technically solid, but you can change their vx and vy so they don't move (though they will let other elements through).
use void with ctype oil? *EDIT* that will delete the oil oops
Thank you for the idea but my gasoline tank is large... very large. I used a bit of them already but to mix with a non glowing element... I tried STOR first but each stripes of stor needed to be powered with pscn and made very weird random glowing spots. I tried VOID with ctype oil and tmp 1 , eats every elements except oil, that trick you can try , basilotornado, but it is solid and would not let particle through, and if I make a tank shape with it I would need to fill the rest with PROT and GRVT aka would make it glow... I thank you all for your help but non of your solutions will work... Am I stuck?
Alright thank you anyways all... I will probably find a way.
To be fair, I wasn't sure exactly how it would be used. Put 3 pixels of PROT next to each other and it's unnoticable.